Install JBoss 7.* in Centos 7::
Install java first
# yum install java
Check the version of java installed
# java -version
java version "1.7.0_111"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u111-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.111-b01, mixed mode)
Download JBOSS AS 7
# screen
# wget
Unzip the zip file under /usr/share/
# unzip -d /usr/share
Create a system user
# adduser jboss
Change ownership of the installation directory
# chown -fR jboss.jboss /usr/share/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/
Switch user to the create user
# su jboss
Change to the bin directory
# cd /usr/share/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/bin/
Create JBOSS Management users using the script (We can create as many users needed)
# ./
Start JBOSS server using the command
# ./ -Djboss.bind.address=
Try accessing the JBOSS console in the browser::
To stop the server use the command::
./ --connect command=:shutdown
If you have issues in logging in with the user created. Follow the steps:
Open jboss-as-x.x.x.Final\standalone\configuration\ and delete the user ( delete the line which has the username you want to use, such as admin,etc)
Run jboss-as-x.x.x.Final\bin\ to create new user as follows
select user type a
Realm (ManagementRealm) : ManagementRealm
Username : linuxgeeknotes
Password : password
Re-enter Password : password
Install java first
# yum install java
Check the version of java installed
# java -version
java version "1.7.0_111"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u111-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.111-b01, mixed mode)
Download JBOSS AS 7
# screen
# wget
Unzip the zip file under /usr/share/
# unzip -d /usr/share
Create a system user
# adduser jboss
Change ownership of the installation directory
# chown -fR jboss.jboss /usr/share/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/
Switch user to the create user
# su jboss
Change to the bin directory
# cd /usr/share/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/bin/
Create JBOSS Management users using the script (We can create as many users needed)
# ./
Start JBOSS server using the command
# ./ -Djboss.bind.address=
Try accessing the JBOSS console in the browser::
To stop the server use the command::
./ --connect command=:shutdown
If you have issues in logging in with the user created. Follow the steps:
Open jboss-as-x.x.x.Final\standalone\configuration\ and delete the user ( delete the line which has the username you want to use, such as admin,etc)
Run jboss-as-x.x.x.Final\bin\ to create new user as follows
select user type a
Realm (ManagementRealm) : ManagementRealm
Username : linuxgeeknotes
Password : password
Re-enter Password : password
when I switch to user (su jboss) it ask for the password what password I should enter... I am using google cloud compute engine centos 7
ReplyDeleteswitch to root first before switch to jboss